First Do No Harm
Who are we?
First Do No Harm or FDNH is an action group that connected in October 2022 following the release of media reports detailing harm and abuse at Active Care Group (ACG) units. We're formed of those who were (or are currently) admitted to Child and Adolescent Mental Health hospitals, as well as parents, carers, friends and loved ones of those who were or are hospitalised. As a collectively-run, not-for-profit organisation, we are fuelled by hope, passion and determination, and are led by the strengths, stories, hopes and needs of all of our members.
Our Mission
We currently have four key aims, although we expect that these will be adapted in future to suit the ever-changing world of mental health.
A summary of these aims is as follows:
Genuine improvement cannot be made without honesty and accountability. Services must listen to those with lived-experience of psychiatric harm in order to acknowledge patterns of systemic failings and abuse.
The harm and loss that occur in inpatient services are preventable. We therefore urge that corporate and individual criminal justice is served.
We truly believe that we are all stronger together. We aim to create a platform for all those affected by psychiatric services to access support, resources, and opportunities to share their stories and experience closure.
For meaningful change to be made, reform needs to happen by implementing robust accountability laws for mental health services, alongside vastly improving our understanding of mental ill health and acute distress.
You can view our full manifesto by clicking here.​​
Image Copyright © 2023 Nicole Lacey
Our Vision
We firmly believe there is a better way to support those in need of mental healthcare and treatment. Our vision, the HOPE Approach, is built on the foundations of lived-experience voices and stories.
You can find out more about the HOPE Approach by clicking here.
"Every child and young person hospitalised due to mental illness deserves specialised care and treatment in an environment that is safe, kind, and beneficial. Currently, the standard of the placements providing care to young people with mental ill health do not meet the needs of their patients; in reality, many children are experiencing significant harm at the hands of their so-called carers."
Does this quote resonate with you? Want to be a member? Find us on Facebook.