Emergency Plan
FDNH have put together an Emergency Plan for current patients, families and staff members to utilise in situations where there is an immediate risk to patients and/or staff in a hospital environment due to institutional failings.
Immediate Risk?
If you, a patient you look after, or your loved one is at immediate risk of harm or abuse, always call 999.
What do I do if I don't feel safe?
If you, a patient you look after, or your loved one feels unsafe in the hospital environment, it’s important to raise concerns early. Organisational or institutional abuse is real, but so often overlooked.
At the first sign of concern, write a letter outlining your worries. Send it to the hospital manager and your external care team, on paper and via email, and register your concerns with the CQC.
Who can I contact?
Your local MP (and the MP local to the hospital) have a duty to enagage with issues that are the responsibility of UK Parliament, which includes issues with hospitals, the NHS, and the police. You can find your local MP and their contact details here.
Contact the NSPCC to raise a safeguarding concern. Even if you’re not sure what you, another patient or your loved one is experiencing can be considered as ‘abuse’, the NSPCC will take your concerns seriously and decide what to do next.
You can raise safeguarding concerns directly with the local Safeguarding Partnership. Find your local safeguarding board, and the board local to the hospital here. If you’re concerned about an adult, you can find the local Adult Safeguarding Partnership here. For Wales, click here. If you’re concerned about anyone in Scotland, click here.
If you think you or your loved one are being detained in hospital unlawfully, you can find a specialised Mental Health Lawyer to advise and support you. You can also read more about whether you’re entitled to free legal aid and advice here.
For Huntercombe/ACG patients and families:
You can make a safeguarding concern about Taplow Manor directly to the First Response Team at Buckinghamshire Council. If you have a concern about a particular staff member or person working in a position of trust with a child, you can contact Buckinghamshire’s designated officer on 01296382070 or email at secure-LADO@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
You can make a safeguarding concern about Ivetsy Bank Hospital to Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board or contact the Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support Service on 0300 111 8007 or the Emergency Duty Team (Out of Hours) on 0345 604 2886.